An original article would normally consist of 2000-7000 words (excluding figures, tables and references), although high-quality articles which exceed 7000 words will also be considered.
All articles must be written in English (US). If English is not your first language, please ask an English-speaking colleague to proofread your article.
Submissions may be formatted in single or double spacing, preferably in Times New Roman size 12 font. All accepted articles will be correctly formatted for publication.
The text of the article should include the following
Please make sure that authors" names are not included in the document/file properties.
Please assist us by following these guidelines:
* Author details should not be included in the article, and are only required when completing relevant sections of the online submission form.
All illustrations, whether diagrams or photographs, are referred to as Figures. If any figures appear in colour, please note that they will only appear in colour in the online version; in the printed version they will be in black and white. If the quality of the colour figure supplied is not suitable to be produced in colour, it will also be shown in black and white in the online version. Figures should ideally be black and white, not colour, and numbered sequentially. However, if colour is essential to the figure please send a good quality colour image. Please place them at the end of the article, rather than interspersed in text.
Please prepare all figures, especially line diagrams, to the highest possible standards. Bear in mind that lettering may be reduced in size by a factor of 2 or 3, and that fine lines may disappear.
If your article is based on a conference paper, it is important that you observe the following:
The submitted article must have been substantially revised, expanded and rewritten so that it is significantly different from the conference paper or presentation on which it is based. The article must be sufficiently different to make it a new, original work. As a guide, you should aim to have more than 50% new material. This is a matter of judgment and will be based on a comparison of the submitted article with the original conference paper.
The original conference paper should be supplied by the author with the expanded article for the purpose of comparison.
All such articles will be subject to the same review process as any other submitted article.
Please include the statement 'This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled [title] presented at [name, location and date of conference]' in the online system when you submit your paper, using the "Notes for the Editor" field.
If the original conference paper on which the extended paper is based has been published elsewhere, or the copyright has been assigned to the conference organisers or another party, authors should ensure that they have cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owners. Articles will not be accepted, post-review, for publication unless such written permissions have been provided along with author copyright forms.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles & Practices of Artificial Intelligence, Soft Computing & Data Management (Proceedings-IC-PPAISCDM) is the bringer of omens, calling the academicians from the world to say that it is the time to change to step into new authentic power of knowledge collectively.
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